Required Purchases

College Student Insurance (CSI)

This is required for any class that allows you to borrow equipment from the Department of Film & Television. It lasts a whole year and protects you if you experience lost or stolen equipment, including your own electronics.

Please follow this guide to purchase CSI. Bring your CSI policy number to class because it will be recorded at the equipment checkout.

Hard Drives & Personal Computer Specs

All students enrolled in Film & TV Production Courses need two (2) External Hard Drives, one for editing and one for archiving (“backing up”) their media. Two drives are essential for maintaining best practices in today’s digital workflow. There are some exceptions:

  • First Year UGFTV depending on your production class, you may only need one hard drive right away. You may wait until your first class to ask your professor. 
  • Open Arts and non-film and tv majors can often get by with 1 editing hard drive, as long as you have somewhere secure to back up files. One option is to use a buddy system with classmates, i.e. coordinate to back up files on each other’s hard drives. Cloud space and Google Drive can also work, but be aware that NYU Google Drive space will be capped by the end of 2023. Keep that in mind when planning storage.

Please look through this technical specs page to ensure your Hard Drives and Computer Specs match what is needed for your perspective classes.