TA Job Postings

Looking for a TA Job?

All open positions will be posted via handshake. To apply, follow the steps below:

The department of Film & Television is hiring!

  1. You must Join NYU Handshake to apply for a position.
  2. Read about On Campus Employment at the Wasserman Center site
  3. If you have a question about any open positions, please email the manager listed in your area of interest. You can find brief descriptions of each area and their jobs at this link.
  4. Fill out this Google form if you are interested in a TA job. (If you are unable to access the form, check to make sure you are using your NYU email address. Sign out of your personal email if that is your default email address on Google).

The Technology, Training, & Information group is hiring for summer and potentially future semesters! Log into NYU Handshake and search job ID “6225933” or “Technology, Training, & Information – Technical Assistant”

After applying through NYU Handshake, please email your resume to Chris at cjs748@nyu.edu!